Get To Know Indonesian Javanese Food Nasi Pecel
Get to know Nasi Pecel
Pecel is a typical food of Madiun City, East Java, Indonesia made from the stew of vegetables in the form of spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, Turi leaves, krai Both of them use fresh vegetables as the main ingredients and use toppings. The difference is, if the salad uses mayonnaise as a topping, then pecel uses pecel sauce. The main ingredients of sambal pecel are peanuts and cayenne pepper mixed with other ingredients such as kaffir lime leaves, onions, tamarind, pepper, and salt.
Pecel is often also served with peanut brittle, shrimp peanut brittle or rice plate. In addition, pecel is also usually served with warm white rice plus chicken or Johan. The method of serving can be in plates or in folded leaves called pincuk. This dish is similar to gado-gado, even though there are differences in the ingredients used. Spicy pecel taste is a characteristic of this cuisine.
Nasi Pecel itself is a typical Indonesian food that has existed since the 1980s. I have never met a similar culinary in other countries in the Southeast Asia region, even though it is said to be found in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The origin of the area is not known exactly, but it is believed to come from Ponorogo, considering that the peanut sauce/chili sauce used is similar to ponorogo satay spices.
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Because of the popularity of this food, some regions have their own Nasi Pecel dishes. The difference can be derived from the peanut sauce/chili pecel used, as well as the variety of vegetables in it. Even so, generally in one portion comes with long beans, spinach, bean sprouts, cucumber, and basil leaves.
The manufacturing process is not too difficult because the ingredients are easily available in the market or supermarket. Moreover, many peanut sauces for ready-made pecel sambal is already available. We just boil vegetables (except basil leaves), arrange them on a plate that has been given rice, then pour them with sambal pecel. I'm sorry. Ready to be enjoyed with a variety of complementary side dishes, such as omelet, fried chicken, tofu tempeh, or fried rice.
Benefits of Nasi Pecel for Health
If friends, including those who are fond of this culinary, or are still hesitant to become fans, try to first consider the benefits of Nasi Pecel for health. Guaranteed after that, I got more excited about breakfast with him.Maintaining Eye Health
Nasi Pecel is rich in green vegetables. One of them is spinach, which has a high vitamin A content. Vitamin A is very good for eye health. Not only to maintain, but he is also able to minimize the risk of eye pain. Including preventing the occurrence of night blindness and helping to slow down the decline in vision with age.Streamlining Digestion
Vegetables contain lots of fiber and enzymes that can help maintain digestive health. Both are needed to facilitate the release of poisons and impurities in the digestive tract and maintain intestinal health. Even peanut sauce poured on rice pecel is also rich in and vitamin K. Please note that lack of fiber alone can cause ulcer disease.Get rid of acne
One of the causes of acne is a lack of vitamin A intake in the body. Why? When vitamin A levels in the body are low, the production of natural proteins in the hair, or keratin, will increase and exceed the limit. As a result, oil production in the skin will also increase and cause clogged skin pores which lead to acne.Fortunately, as mentioned above, spinach vegetables are rich in vitamin A, so they can eliminate and prevent acne. In addition, there is also the content of vitamin K (including in sambal pecel) which is effective for maintaining skin elasticity.
Increase fertility
Bean sprouts or sprouts contain vitamin E which is a cell-protecting antioxidant from free radical attacks. The vitamin is also able to improve sperm quality so that it directly plays a role in helping male fertility.Maintaining Hair Health
Don't want hair loss? Try to consume bean sprouts regularly. There is vitamin C in it, which not only promotes hair growth but also helps destroy free radicals which are a source of hair damage. It can be said, routine Nasi Pecel breakfast can make hair shinier and shiny, elastic, and not dull.Other nutrients that can be found in sprouts are selenium. It can help kill fungi that make the scalp dry and itchy, eliminate dandruff and dirt, and encourage new hair growth. Suitable for friends who have experienced signs of baldness.
Strengthens immunity
Vitamin A actually not only maintains intestinal health but keeps the body's natural defenses as a whole from attacks of bacteria that cause infection. Together with vitamin C, both are directly involved in the production and work of white blood cells, which we know is a destroyer of foreign pathogens that enter the body. Getting enough vitamins A and C will increase your immune system, reduce your body's risk of infection, and speed up healing when you're sick.Recipe for Making Nasi Pecel
Pecel is a processed vegetable that is boiled with peanut sauce. Generally, vegetables used in pecel processing are kale, bean sprouts, kenikir, and so on. Vegetables used in this recipe do not need to be cooked for too long. Pecel has vegetables that are still fresh and just boil for a while. The essence of this pecel is sauce or sauce. Pecel uses peanut sauce. The pecel sauce feels a little spicy from a mixture of chili and spices from kencur and sweet-savory from peanuts. Pecel spices can be enjoyed warm or cold. Even pecel sauce can be stored for a long time.Nasi Pecel Recipe
- 250 gr of peanuts that have been fried or roasted- 1 tablespoon of acidic water
- Warm enough water
- 75 gr of brown sugar, finely grated
- Chili enough to taste your spiciness
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon cooked
- 3 segments of the kencur finger
- 6 lbr kaffir lime leaves
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 bunches of water spinach, boiled
- 1-ounce bean sprouts, boiled
- 1 bunch of long beans, cut along two finger segments, boil
- Sweet corn boiled to taste, comb to taste
- Rempeyek beans to taste
How to Make Nasi Pecel
Blend the pecel seasoning consisting of peanuts, garlic, salt, chili, shrimp paste, and orange leaves. Pour sour water on the finely seasoned ingredients. If the spices are evenly mixed, pour warm water little by little until the desired level of thickness.Prepare serving dishes, put water spinach, long beans, sweet corn, and bean sprouts. flush with pecel spices.
Serve pecel with peanut brittle and warm rice.
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